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UZH for Researchers

Funding for Established Researchers

Established researchers are experienced scholars and scientists who independently conduct their own research and train staff. Diverse funding establishments and institutions offer funding to help finance the projects of established researchers.

Aside from general funding sources, there are also special programs and discipline-specific initiatives. Private foundations furthermore support research consistent with the foundation purpose.

The following overview includes the most important national and international funding sources.

1 UZH Funding Instruments

University Research Priority Programs (URPP)

The University of Zurich has established its University Research Priority Programs (URPP). The URPP create and promote academic networks in selected areas of research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in areas of research that benefit society.


Centers of Competence

Centers of Competence are interdisciplinary cross-faculty scholarly networks in which researchers and research groups of the University of Zurich coordinate their work according to strategic objectives.


Competitive Sabbaticals UZH

UZH awards competitive sabbaticals to full and associate professors at all faculties.


The UZH awards funds as a stimulus for long-term structural changes to the research landscape at the University of Zurich.


DIZH Innovation Program

The University of Zurich (UZH), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH) are networking in DIZH to promote research on topics related to digital transformation.


UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme

The UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing activities that strengthen the impact of the global UZH network in line with the UZH Global Strategy.



2 National Funding Instruments

SNSF Projects

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports research projects in all disciplines that are carried out by researchers employed in Switzerland. Researchers cannot apply for funding for their own salary.

National Research Programs (NRP) NRP funding is awarded to projects that contribute to solving the key problems in today’s society. Calls for research projects are issued in the framework of thematically defined programs.
National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR) NCCR are long-term research projects in areas of strategic importance. The projects are run by experienced researchers and supported by one or more higher education or research institutions.
SNSF Starting Grant Researchers in Switzerland and abroad with at least 2 years of postdoctoral research experience who wish to carry out an independent research project in Switzerland can submit an application here.
SNSF Spark The aim of Spark is to fund the rapid testing or development of new scientific approaches, methods, theories, standards, ideas for applications, etc. It is intended for projects that show unconventional thinking and introduce a unique approach.
SNSF SPIRIT The SPIRIT programme facilitates knowledge exchange between Swiss researchers and researchers in selected countries that are receiving development assistance. With SPIRIT, the SNSF is giving Swiss researchers more opportunities to collaborate with partners in many countries around the world.
SNSF Research Equipment (R’Equip) The SNSF helps finance the acquisition and maintenance of research equipment that facilitates innovate research approaches. The home institution covers half the expense (UZH procedure).
Innosuisse Projects Innosuisse supports projects in the area of applied research and development and promotes cooperation between institutions of higher learning and industry.
SNIS Projectfunding

The SNIS supports pluri-disciplinary projects in the social sciences and pluri-disciplinary projects that combine natural and social sciences. Projects must run for two years, and funding can range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss francs.


GSPI Impact Collaboration Programme

The ICP supports collaborative projects which explicitly bridge science, policy and/or implementation and that involve at least one actor from an academic institution (no geographical limitation) and one actor from the International Geneva ecosystem carrying policy work or implementation work.


Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)

The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) awards grants for „Driver Projects“ and „Infrastructure Development Projects“ to foster nationwide interoperability of biomedical information.


Swiss 3R Competence Centre (3RCC)

The 3RCC publishes regular calls for funding of high-quality research projects dedicated to the replacement, reduction or refinement of animal experimentation.
BRIDGE Discovery BRIDGE (a joint program conducted by SNSF and Innosuisse) supports projects at the intersection of basic research and science-based innovation. BRIDGE Discovery is aimed at experienced researchers who aim to explore and implement the innovation potential of research results.
Research and Innovation Cooperation Programs The Research and Innovation Programs and Instruments of the Federal Government facilitate international cooperation.
swissuniversities: project contributions

Federal project contributions for thematically grouped initiatives (z.B. swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network).


3 European and International Funding

ERC Grants

With Horizon Europe, the EU framework program for research and innovation, the European Research Council (ERC) supports excellent researchers with highly competitive grants to establish or consolidate their own research team.

ERC Advanced Grant 2024 A transitional arrangement enables Swiss researchers to participate in the ERC call for Advanced Grants 2024. Researchers who wish to conduct innovative, high-risk research can submit an application here for a maximum of 5 years of funding.
ERC Consolidator Grant 2025

Supports researchers who want to consolidate or strenghten their independence by building a research team and persue an academic career in Europe.

ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2025 Supports ERC grant recipients in realizing the commercial and societal potential of their research.
Horizon Europe Collaborative Projects International cooperation projects in prioritized EU research areas.

4 Foundations

Foundation for Research in Science and the Humanities at UZH
This foundation supports UZH professors and privatdozents in their research and teaching.
Foundation for Privatdozents This foundation awards funds for research conducted by UZH privatdozents.
Index of UZH Foundations The index contains information on foundations and funds directly associated with the University of Zurich.

Weiterführende Informationen


Individual Support

Research & Grants Office
Hirschengraben 48
8001 Zurich

The staff of the Research & Grants Office will be happy to support your inquiry for possible sources of funding.

Phone +41 44 634 53 50

Professorships Department

The UZH Professorships Department is your point of contact for all your concerns as a professor at the University of Zurich.