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UZH for Researchers

SNSF Project Funding

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) awards project funding for basic scientific research in all subject areas.

Project funding is aimed at experienced researchers working in Switzerland. SNSF funding covers direct expenses such as research equipment, salaries of co-workers and travel expenses. Funding is granted for a period of 12 to 48 months.

Applicants have to be employed at a research institution for the duration of the proposed project. The applicants' own salaries are not covered by the project funding scheme.

Submission deadlines

1 April and 1 October (application via SNSF Portal)

Please note: the submission deadline for all SNSF funding instruments is 17.00h Swiss local time.

SNSF Grants for reduction of teaching commitments

Professors can apply for grants for reduction of teaching commitments (one to a maximum of four hours per week) within the framework of SNSF projects in division I (Humanities and Social Sciences). For details please see the SNSF website.

When submitting the application to the SNSF, a confirmation must be uploaded that the university agrees with the application for a grant for reduction of teaching commitments.

To be able to issue the letter of confirmation by the Office of the Vice President Research in time, the UZH Grants Office (, phone +41 44 634 20 50) needs the following information no later than 25 March (for the deadline 1 April) or 25 September (for the deadline 1 October):

  • detailed information on the reduction requested (how many semester hours per week, in which semester(s))
  • proof of consent by the management of the study program, the head of the institute and the faculty to the planned reduction of teaching commitments in case of approval of the application by the SNSF.

Weiterführende Informationen


UZH Research Development
Phone 044 634 53 50


Data Management Plan (DMP)

In most SNSF funding instrument, the submission of a DMP is a condition for the release of funds for approved projects. However, funds for data management should already be requested at the application stage.

The UZH Open Science Services team of the University Library will advise and support you in developing your DMP. These are 5 things you should keep in mind.

The SNSF’ new Open Access regulations

As of January 1, 2023, new Open Access regulations will apply to all new funding applications submitted to the SNSF. As before, researchers funded by the SNSF can meet the SNSF’s OA requirements in four ways. Journal articles must now be directly available as Open Access without embargo under a CC-BY license; nothing changes for book chapters and books. The SNSF has updated its general implementation regulations  accordingly.

Read more about the SNSF's new Open Access regulations here.

Costs for the use of internal university infrastructure

While preparing an SNSF grant application please note the SNSF regulations regarding the billing of costs for the use of internal university infrastructure.

SNSF Data Portal

In the SNSF Data Portal you will find research projects funded by the SNSF. You can search by
criteria such as discipline, funding instrument or project leader.


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