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UZH for Researchers

Ethics and Integrity


As the largest full university in Switzerland, UZH creates optimal conditions for its researchers and supports them in carrying out their scientific activities. Researchers are free to conduct their research and teaching, but are also obliged to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Scientific integrity and adherence to ethical principles are essential for the advancement of research and for the credibility and acceptance of science and its institutions in society.

Guidelines and procedures for research projects

Research ethics focuses on the principle of the prevention of harm within a legal and regulatory framework. It relates to the care and use of animals, the work with human subjects and cells. Researchers at UZH are obliged to comply with national, cantonal and university legal principles and guidelines as well as the requirements of research funding institutions.

Research involving Animals and Animal Welfare

Research involving Human Beings

Access to genetic resources (Nagoya protocol)

Research Integrity at UZH

The UZH and its members are committed to the principles of good scientific practice. The principles of integrity relate to good supervision and support, correct citation, integrity of authorship, proper data management and disclosure of conflicts of interest.

Research Integrity

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Employee Assistance Office at UZH

The Employee Assistance is open to all employees of the University of Zurich.


Diability Office

The University of Zurich promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. The Disability Offfice provides information and advice on issues such as equal opportunities for people with disabilities, inclusion, accessibility and the compensation of disadvantages.