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UZH for Researchers

Overhead of the Swiss National Science Foundation

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) reimburses universities for the indirect costs they incur through SNSF projects (overhead contribution).

The University of Zurich receives an annual overhead contribution from the SNSF in the amount of approx. 15% of the research funds that UZH project managers (PI) acquired from the SNSF in the previous year. The percentage is variable, as it is based on the federal funds available annually.

The overhead is calculated on the basis of the projects awarded in the previous year (January 1 to December 31). The date of the ruling is decisive. Only grants within the framework of the funding instruments defined by the SNSF will be considered. A list of these funding instruments can be found in the annex to the SNSF overhead regulations.


Regulation for the distribution of the SNSF overhead

The University of Zurich has standardized the distribution of overheads from research funding programs, in particular those of the SNSF and the EU. The overhead income from research projects is divided as follows:

10% goes to the owners of the responsibility center and 20% each to the respective institutes and faculties. The remaining 50% remain centrally at the UZH and are used for the entire university.

A special regulation applies to SNSF, EU and Innosuisse projects eligible for the DIZH and DSI initiatives.

Further information and an information sheet can be found on the website of the Grants Management.

For further information, please contact the Service Desk Finance.

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Grants Management