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UZH for Researchers

SNSF Starting Grant

SNSF Starting Grants 2025 represent the SNSF’s highest level of career funding. The call enables researchers to carry out their own independent project and lead a research team in Switzerland.

Applicants must have several years of research experience following their PhD – or an equivalent qualification or medical degree – during which time they have already contributed to scientifically independent and impactful research in their field. In addition, you must fulfil the following three criteria: 1) you must fall within the eligibility window; 2) you must not yet have achieved the objective of this call; 3) you must have a link with Switzerland (Swiss-link). Please consult the call document (PDF) to verify that you meet all the participation requirements. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the SNSF by email at

SNSF Starting Grants are open to all disciplines and topics. Applicants can request a budget of up to 1 million francs for project funding over a five-year period. In addition, applicants can apply for funds to cover their own salaries (see article 3.2 of the call document (PDF) for conditions).

Submission deadline: January 15, 2025

The call is closed

Written confirmation from the research institution

To submit an application to the SNSF, you need a written confirmation from the research institution (template is available on mySNF and AVA).

At UZH, you will receive the confirmation letter via the approval process in AVA, the UZH third-party funding platform.

Here you can find instructions for the application process with UZH as host institution (incl. salary rates) and what information is required on AVA. (PDF, 652 KB)

Please contact the responsible persons at the institute, seminar or clinic at an early stage to discuss aspects of the scientific connection as well as the available resources (premises, infrastructure, etc.).

You can register on AVA with your UZH login (short name and password).

If you do not (yet) have a UZH login, an administrative employee of the host institution can enter the project data in AVA on your behalf and then send you the confirmation letter.

Please enter your project data on AVA and start the approval process no later than December, 20, 20224 so that you receive your documents in time.

Once the approval process has been completed, you can download the confirmation letter from AVA as a PDF.

Weiterführende Informationen


Research & Grants Office
Phone 044 634 53 50


Data Management Plan (DMP)

In most SNSF funding instrument, the submission of a DMP is a condition for the release of funds for approved projects. However, funds for data management should already be requested at the application stage.

The UZH Open Science Services team of the University Library will advise and support you in developing your DMP. These are 5 things you should keep in mind.

The SNSF’ new Open Access regulations

As of January 1, 2023, new Open Access regulations will apply to all new funding applications submitted to the SNSF. As before, researchers funded by the SNSF can meet the SNSF’s OA requirements in four ways. Journal articles must now be directly available as Open Access without embargo under a CC-BY license; nothing changes for book chapters and books. The SNSF has updated its general implementation regulations  accordingly.

Read more about the SNSF's new Open Access regulations here.

SNSF Starting Grants 2024

List of SNSF Starting Grants at UZH 2024

This list shows the SNSF Starting Grants of the call 2024 that were awarded to UZH members.

Here you can find a complete list of all SNSF Starting Grants of the call 2024.