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UZH for Researchers

Funding for Postdocs

Researchers with a PhD can apply for a job at UZH as a postdoctoral researcher or as a senior teaching and research assistant. Other than employment at the University, there are a variety of funding instruments open to postdocs. Depending on your career stage, you can apply for a fellowship, project funding, or an assistant professorship.

1 Research at UZH

The following opportunities enable you to fully or partially finance a postdoc project at UZH. This overview is not exhaustive. Please also find out about specific funding opportunities in your department.

SNSF Ambizione The SNSF awards funding to postdocs wishing to conduct an individually planned project at a Swiss higher education institution.
SNSF Starting Grant 2025

This call enables researchers with at least 2 years' experience after the doctorate to carry out their own independent project and lead a research team in Switzerland.

SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship This instrument serves as a transitional solution for the ERC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships. Researchers in Switzerland and abroad with a doctorate and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience can submit an application here for 12-24 months of support for a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland.
UZH Postdoc Grant The University of Zurich supports research projects of postdocs from its own fund.
Collegium Helveticum Early-Career Fellowships The Junior Fellowships enable early career researchers from the sciences and the arts to spend 10 months at the Collegium Helveticum.
ERC Grants

With Horizon Europe, the EU framework program for research and innovation, the European Research Council (ERC) supports excellent researchers with highly competitive grants to establish or consolidate their own research team.

The SNSF has launched so called transitional measures as long as some programs are not accessible to researchers in Switzerland.

ERC Starting Grant 2025 Supports talented young scientist who have already produced excellent, supervised work, are willing to work independently and have the potential to take on a leadership role in research.
ERC Consolidator Grant 2025 Supports researchers who want to consolidate or strenghten their independence by building a research team and persue an academic career in Europe.
SNSF Projectfunding Researchers with at least 4 years' experience after the doctorate (or an independent research position) can apply for SNSF funding to finance a research project. They cannot apply for funding for their own salary.
SNSF Spark The aim of Spark is to fund the rapid testing or development of new scientific approaches, methods, theories, standards, ideas for applications, etc. It is intended for projects that show unconventional thinking and introduce a unique approach.

FAN Academic Excellence Fellowships

The Research Talent Development Fund (FAN) - supported by UZH Alumni - supports outstanding, innovative early career researchers.
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships With these scholarships, foreign doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in all disciplines can fund a research stay at a Swiss higher education institution.
AXA Fellowships AXA Fellowships aim at supporting promising researchers on a topic aligned with AXA’s priorities and societal challenges.

2 Research Stay Abroad

Experience abroad is essential for a career in academics. There are a number of mobility programs that offer postdocs financial assistance for a stay abroad.


These SNSF fellowships facilitate a research stay abroad of 24 months for postdocs up to 3 years after the doctorate. In addition, a return grant for a 3 to 12-month research period upon returning to Switzerland can be applied for.
GRC Travel Grants

The Graduate Campus supports short research stays abroad.

Scientific Exchanges The SNSF supports short research stays of one to six months.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA)

These EU grants are designed to increase the mobility of junior researchers at the postdoctoral level. Swiss researchers can only submit applications for this program if they have a host in an EU country or in a country associated to Horizon Europe.

The SNSF has launched the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship (SPF)  as a transitional measure as long as the MSCA program is only partially accessible to researchers in Switzerland.

Foreign Government Scholarships Roughly 40 countries award grants to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers for a stay abroad.
UZH Global Strategy  and Partnerships Funding Scheme

The UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing joint collaboration initiatives with specific partner universities of UZH.


3. Further funding opportunities for postdocs

UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships With the UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships the University of Zurich provides funding, coaching, training and lab facilities to young researchers who intend to start up a company based on UZH research.
GRC Grants The Graduate Campus supports the scientific activities of Early Career Researchers.
UZH Postdoc Team Award The UZH Postdoc Team Award honours interdisciplinary postdoc teams for outstanding and independent scientific achievement.
FAN Awards for early career researchers Advanced PhD candidates and early postdoctoral researchers at UZH are honored for their outstanding scientific achievements with the FAN Awards for early career researchers.
SNSF BRIDGE Proof of Concept BRIDGE (a joint program conducted by SNSF and Innosuisse) supports projects at the intersection of basic research and science-based innovation. BRIDGE Proof of Concept is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results.
DIZH Innovation Program The University of Zurich (UZH), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH) are networking in DIZH to promote research on topics related to digital transformation.
GSPI Impact Collaboration Programme

The ICP supports collaborative projects which explicitly bridge science, policy and/or implementation and that involve at least one actor from an academic institution (no geographical limitation) and one actor from the International Geneva ecosystem carrying policy work or implementation work.


SNIS Projectfunding

The SNIS supports pluri-disciplinary projects in the social sciences and pluri-disciplinary projects that combine natural and social sciences. Projects must run for two years, and funding can range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss francs.

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Individual Support

Research & Grants Office
Hirschengraben 48
8001 Zurich

The staff of the Research & Grants Office will be happy to support your inquiry for possible sources of funding.

Phone +41 44 634 53 50