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UZH for Researchers


The SNSF Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers who have obtained a doctorate and who wish to pursue an academic career in Switzerland. A research stay abroad enables such researchers to acquire more in-depth knowledge, increases their scientific independence and enhances their research profile.

The fellowships include a grant for subsistence costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and a possible contribution to research, conference costs and matriculation fees. In addition, fellowship holders can apply for a return grant to finance their initial period of research after returning to Switzerland.

Duration of fellowships
In principle 24 months (fellowship) and 3 to 12 months (return phase)

Eligibility requirements

  • Submission at the earliest 9 months before completion of the doctorate (PhD, MD-PhD) and up to 3 years afterwards
  • Medical researchers without MD-PhD: submission up to 8 years after the state examination (and at least 3 years of clinical activity after the state examination)
  • Swiss nationality, holder of valid Swiss permanent residence, residence or cross-border commuter permit
  • Foreign nationals: at least 2 years of research activity at a Swiss research institution

Submission deadlines
1 February and 2 August

Submission of applications
The complete funding applications are submitted electronically the platform mySNF.

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