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UZH for Researchers

Competitive Sabbaticals UZH

Protected time for revising research projects, to prepare a major third-party funding application or to publish a monograph is crucial.

That is why the University of Zurich has introduced additional competitive sabbaticals for UZH professors at all faculties.

Objectives and formal conditions

  • The competitive sabbatical is geared toward helping professors complete the final stages of a larger research project (e.g. completion of a monograph, an Opus magnum, or of fundamental research articles), to open up a new field of research or prepare a large competitive third-party funding application.
  • At least two semesters must separate the requested competitive sabbatical from the previous and the next regular sabbatical.
  • A qualified junior scholar at UZH must assume all teaching responsibilities during the professor's absence.
  • The University of Zurich adopts the costs for the replacement teaching appointment (max. 6 SWS for full professors, max. 4 SWS for associate professors).
  • The head of the institute/department must support the professor's application for a sabbatical.


Applications can be submitted on 1 February and 1 August to the responsible Dean. An application is possible for the semester after the next semester (e. g. application per 1.8.2022 for a sabbatical in HS 2023).


Next Call for Applications

Weiterführende Informationen


Dr. Yvonne Steinbach
(dep. Anastasia Risch)
Managing Director
Tel. 044 634 60 79