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UZH for Researchers

Call for Nominations: SNIS Award

The SNIS Award 2024 aims to reward the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of International Studiesreceived from a Swiss University in a given year.

The SNIS Award 2024 is open for submissions

SNIS encourages and supports young researchers to advance in their careers while simultaneously promoting the interdisciplinary and ever-changing field of International Studies.

The award amounts to CHF 10'000.

'International Studies' encompasses various academic fields and analyses subjects that range from political, economic, social, environmental, legal, and health issues that extend beyond national boundaries. Thus, the submitted Ph.D. theses can range from political science, economics, sociology, social and cultural anthropology, to law, history, geography, environmental sciences and more. 

A jury composed of experts in one or several areas relevant to International Studies will evaluate the submitted Ph.D. theses.

Submission criteria: 

  • must have received the Ph.D. degree at a Swiss University in the calendar year 2023
  • must have received 'summa cum laude' or a mark equal or superior to 5.5
  • the thesis must be written in either English, French or German 
  • the thesis can be a mongraph or can have been published as a paper series
  • the thesis must relate to International Studies 
Deadline: April 15th, 2024, 13.00 (CET)

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