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UZH for Researchers

SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship (SPF)

Grants for early career researchers

Switzerland is considered a non-associated third country in the 2023 calls for projects in Horizon Europe (work programme 2023-2024) and related programmes and initiatives. This year, on behalf of the Swiss Confederation, the SNSF is launching a new call under the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships for people of all nationalities who were aiming to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA PF).


This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months. The scheme is open to all research disciplines and topics.

The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow’s salary as well as social security contributions and contributions to research and conference costs.


The call is closed

The SNSF will not launch another call for proposals in 2025.

Weiterführende Informationen


Research & Grants Office
Phone 044 634 53 50


Data Management Plan (DMP)

In most SNSF funding instrument, the submission of a DMP is a condition for the release of funds for approved projects. However, funds for data management should already be requested at the application stage.

The UZH Open Science Services team of the University Library will advise and support you in developing your DMP. These are 5 things you should keep in mind.

The SNSF’ new Open Access regulations

As of January 1, 2023, new Open Access regulations will apply to all new funding applications submitted to the SNSF. As before, researchers funded by the SNSF can meet the SNSF’s OA requirements in four ways. Journal articles must now be directly available as Open Access without embargo under a CC-BY license; nothing changes for book chapters and books. The SNSF has updated its general implementation regulations  accordingly.

Read more about the SNSF's new Open Access regulations here.