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UZH for Researchers

UZH Candoc/Postdoc Grant Release of Funds

Contact the person responsible for personnel at your institute, seminar or clinic to complete this form. Once the project account has been opened, the Research & Grants Office will inform the person responsible for personnel of the account number (PSP element).

Important: The project account can only be opened once the necessary approvals from the Ethics Committee and/or the Veterinary Office have been obtained. If approvals are required and you have not already submitted them with the application, you will find a corresponding note on page 2 of the official approval letter. In this case, please send the outstanding approvals by e-mail to the Research & Grants Office (


* required field

Project information:


DD.MM.YYYY (1st of the month)

max. 20 characters

Details of the institute, seminar or clinic:

5-digit number

Financial administration of the project (person with an access authorisation to SAP Finance):
Personnel administration of the project (person with access authorisation to SAP HR and eHR):
As a grantee, I hereby confirm that I have taken note of and accepted the provisions associated with the grant in accordance with the Information Leaflet for Recipients and the Financial Handbook of the University of Zurich (see below for download):