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UZH for Researchers

National Centers of Competence in Research

Starting in 2001, the Swiss National Science Foundation has had a federal mandate to promote National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCRs). NCCRs are long-term research projects of outstanding quality which have special emphasis on both interdisciplinary and innovative approaches within the disciplines involved.

The objective of the NCCR program is the sustained strengthening of Swiss research in fields that are highly relevant for the development of the society and economy. NCCRs are supposed to achieve internationally recognised research, to support talented doctoral and postdoc students and to engage in fostering the transfer of knowledge and technology.

The management office of each NCCR is situated at a university or another research institution. In addition to the research groups based at the home institution, or leading house, each NCCR serves as a network in which other teams working throughout Switzerland are directly involved.

New Call 6th Series NCCR

The Swiss National Science Foundation has published the call for a sixth series of NCCR in November 2023 (SNSF information events on December 11, January 10). 

All professors are invited to submit a project sketch.

Information event with Vice President Research: 18 September 2023, 13:00-14:00, UZH Zentrum (KOL-G-217 EV).

Upcoming Call for Proposals for NCCR (PDF, 152 KB)

Call Document NCCR (PDF, 284 KB)

Fact Sheet Internal Selection Process UZH (PDF, 161 KB)

Template Project Sketch (DOCX, 58 KB)

Slides Information Event (18.9.2023) (PDF, 788 KB)

NCCRs with UZH as Leading House

The University of Zurich serves as leading house for the NCCR Evolving Language:

NCCRs with Participation of UZH Research Groups

UZH research groups are involved in seven other NCCRs:

Former NCCR (University of Zurich as Leading House)

  • NFS (Website)
  • NCCR Mediality
  • NCCR Democracy
  • NCCR Neuro
  • NCCR Structural Biology

Weiterführende Informationen


Maurus Bolfing, lic. phil.
  Phone 044 634 48 12
